Key Questions About AbStats® Answered

AbStats FAQ 2018-05-16T19:19:36+00:00

AbStats sensorThe AbStats® AGIS biosensor is a low-cost, non-invasive abdominal acoustic device that is trial verified, simple to operate and serves a large unmet need in the field of gastroenterology, monitoring human digestion using acoustic signals and filling an unmet need in postoperative care — potentially saving significant time and money for patients and hospitals alike.

Abstats is quick, easy and convenient to use, with straightforward instructions printed on the inside of the box containing two sensors and the cable. The flexibility and ease of use means AbStats can potentially be used not only in hospitals, but also in clinics and homes around the world.

AbStats instructions


Learn more about some key features and benefits of AbStats in the video presentations below from our AbStats Co-Investigator, Mark Pimentel, MD, Director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Program and Laboratory at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

There are many options to diagnose GI tract disorders that involve invasive procedures, but there are a lot of obstacles and problems with these kinds of tests.

AbStats is a technique to record bowel sounds and capture motor activity directly, based on pitch and size of the abdominal cavity. AbStats has been shown to pick up the activity exactly as it is recorded by a test catheter.

The problem with bowel sounds is that people don’t understand the muscular activity of the gut and don’t know what the bowel sounds mean. AbStats can tell clinicians what they mean.

AbStats has great potential to provide information that a patient may not be able to easily characterize, to help test the effectiveness of medicines and to help in post-operative care enabling patients to return home sooner.

A device that could measure function, or discern and diagnose things based on the movement of sounds and the characteristics of sounds, would be immensely valuable to clinicians.